
Bed Rest: Days 2&3

You know how little animals can sense when a storm is brewing, so they start acting crazy. I think that kids do the same thing. They might not know all that is going on, and you try your best to keep life as normal as possible, but they can definately sense that something different is in the air. Not that I'm comparing my children to animals, but Olivia and AJ are definately starting to act a little crazy now that mommy is on the couch all day, and Daddy is giving the baths at night. They both woke up at 2:30 a.m. and wanted MOMMY. I cheated and got up to get AJ out of bed when he woke up, and Olivia followed right behind us. All three of us sat downstairs in the darkness. Olivia sitting on one side of me and AJ sitting on the other. Now I was stuck. After a while, Alex woke up and came downstairs and rescued me.

Today I'm planning to pack for the hospital. The way my luck goes, as long as I am not packed and completely unprepared, I run the risk of having to go in early. As soon as I pack and am totally ready and in bring-it-on mode... nothing will happen. That just about as supersticious as I get, but I have yet to be proven wrong.

Speaking of packing, I have a confession to make. I like to starch and iron my pj's, and I like for my pj's to color-coordinate with the gender of the child I am going to have. Yes, I bought blue pajama pants and blue slippers for when AJ was born. No, I'm not a meticulous person. Anyone who knows me well will tell you that. I definately don't do that when I'm home, but it is something that I was panicking about as I felt a few small contractions the other day. "My pj's aren't picked out and ironed!"


Janelle said...

I believe kids can sense upcoming changes also. They honestly don't miss much at all, EVER! I also agree completely on the fact that when you're prepared nothing happens, so I hope for yours and Clara's sake that your PJ's are indeed picked out, ironed, and packed! Praying that your kids sleep through the night from now till Clara's born! If I remember right, I think Aaron woke up in the night before Megan was born and I would get frustrated and then I would think I might as well get used to it! Praying for you!

Erin Neiner said...

YOU ARE SO CUTE!!! There is something about delivering a new baby that brings out the "other side" of us...HMMM. Won't expound on that...but I know what you mean. What a special little tradition you have with your matching pj's. You should save a swatch from them to make into a blanket, or something. :) [you should order something special online...you totally deserve it!]