
Bed Rest: Day 4

Let's just say that I am glad today is over. I was dreading it because sickness is in the air, so both children needed to stay home from church. Many have offered to help, but I didn't know how to ask for help today. When your kids are sick, they want YOU. I couldn't send them away, and it seriously would have been pointless to have someone here to help with them.
When I came downstairs this morning, Olivia had already staked out her position on the couch.... Hey! who's on bedrest here anyways? AJ was a snotty, pitiful mess who is at the stage where he doesn't know what to do with himself when he doesn't feel good. We cruised through 3 Disney movies before naptime.
I got up only to make a snack, get a buckeye, wipe a bottom, brush the kids' teeth, find the wooden spoon, and chase my neighbor's 3 little dogs out of the living room (they ran in the house when Olivia happened to open our back door just as the doggies were being let outside to potty-- I love my neighbor, she's a good friend, so it was more funny than it was annoying).
As I handed out the last of the chocolate milk this evening, I felt the guilt building up in my heart. Surely you have felt it. It is the guilt you feel because all you can think about at that moment is kissing those soft little cheeks goodnight so you can RELAX! It didn't stop there. I felt guilty because it seems like the final weeks of time with just Olivia and AJ have been cut short-- reduced to books and Disney movies.
But wait a second crazy emotional pregnant lady, what a gift! God didn't take time with Olivia and AJ away from me. He has graciously given me time with them by taking all other choices off the table. And even though a newborn is very demanding, Clara is going to be a gift not just to Alex and me, but also to Olivia and AJ. They will have a little sister to love and who will love them and look up to them in return. Our lives are about to be enriched, because the fruit of the womb is His reward. So even though today was a little hairy, I am thankful and my heart is at peace.


Janelle said...

What a blessing to have such a sweet attitude amongst the chaos of sorts. God always knows best, we just need to sit back and aknowledge that!

I'm so loving your little daily diary! Thank you!

Can't wait to see your little blessing named Clara!