
C A M P D A Y!
After the morning services yesterday, everybody headed out to the grounds for camp day. We grilled beef that was chopped up and eaten with different salsas and fresh tortillas, rice, and beans. There was fun for the whole family! I think that everyone had a good time. . . I'm not a very good judge of that because I'm standing around worrying about what is or should be happening or where in the world AJ got the bottle of soda he's carrying around.
We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day!
Adrian did a great job directing the games!
Being the pastor's kids does have its perks! Olivia and AJ loved riding with daddy on the golfcart!
Sometimes you have to share those perks

Sara started a great waterballoon fight!

Fun for the adults! Couples had to navigate their way through some cones while the driver was blindfolded. Now that was interesting! (all those summers at Northland Camp sure do pay off now and then!)

Now what could he be thinking??

MMMMM! The smell of meat on the grill! Everytime we eat Carne Asada (grilled meat), I am reminded of the verses that describe our sacrifices as a sweet smelling savor to God. Can you imagine the wonderful smells that filled the air as the priests offered the sacrifices for the people? What a picture set in your senses! This is about the only time cows smell good... when they are offered up on the grill. The same with my life. As I die to myself and live for the Lord, the aroma of such a living sacrifice fills the air. If not.... well you've smelled cows before!


Erin Neiner said...

HaPpy bIrThDaY OLIVIA!!!
Hope you had a VERY special birthday!!!