
Bed Rest: Day #1

Don't worry, this isn't going to turn into a Bed Rest journal. I am an entertainer, not a journalist, and believe you me this is as boring for me to write about as it is for you to read.

Here's the rundown:
*AJ woke up covered in throw-up and needed a bath (oh Daaaaaadyyyy!)

*Alex and Olivia walked out the door an hour later than usual.

*Everyone at the office is calling Alex the "daddy-mama". He is a very good daddy-mama. The house hasn't looked this good (all at once) in months. Olivia's hair , however...

*Alex went grocery shopping. This was the only part he complained about, and he didn't even have both children with him [insert evil little grin]. He came home with some good stuff, though. I had such a hard time coming up with a list for him, because one way we cut corners around here is that I make a lot of stuff from scratch. I know, I'm a nerd. Maybe that's why the house hasn't looked this good (all at one time) in months. I suggested that he just walk the frozen aisles and see what looks good. With the exception of waffles, chicken nuggets, and ice-cream, I don't even know what is in the frozen food aisle. My mom, however..... (I love you mom!)

*I would love to tell you that the world fell apart around me as I, woman of the house, was unable to intervene and oversee each and every detail... but I can't because my husband really stepped up today. He cleaned, he went to the office to do what he needed to do while the kids napped, he shopped, he kept the kids away when they needed to be away, he did laundry, he made food and prepared snacks...he even made me a pitcher of sweet tea to enjoy! You should have seen how much the kids loved their Cheetos and yogurt lunch. MMMMM. I had chili.

*I sat on my bed for the first half of the day with AJ, reading books, and watching Handy Many. Then we went downstairs and he played with his Cars cars on the coffee table. I love that movie, and I think you have to have been raised in the south in reasonable proximity to some lovable red-necks to really appreciate it. AJ always reinacts the big crash at the end, and if you run across his cars laying around the house, McQueen is usually positioned right behind Dinoco and giving him a push. So cute!

*The only housework I did was to throw Blue Bear in the wash because he smelled like throw up and he had to be clean by nap time.

*I had a hard time relaxing. Bed rest is weird because you still feel like you need to be "busy" while sitting around... like I should start writing a book, or mastering a new verb tense in Spanish, or plan something, or read something, or make something, or write a list of some sort. A lot of time was spent worrying about how I should spend this time. Then this thought came to mind: "Leah, you ARE accomplishing something just by sitting here. You are doing your part to keep Clara where she needs to be to grow and be healthy for another day." That was all I needed.


Unknown said...

I think you should blog every day because I laugh out loud when I read your posts! I LOVE following your blog:)

Beth said...

me too! You should keep a bed rest journal... you're good at it! hang in there. you're doing a good job cooking that little Clara! shoot, this could end up being "more fun than a tornado in a trailer park!" :)

Janelle said...

I love reading your blog so much! You just totally crack me up, and so does Beth with her comment! My Aaron (and Ron and I) LOVES that movie!!! He too has re-enacted that scene as well as many others! We have started a collection of the characters and I must admit that we are probably more excited about getting new ones than Aaron.

I'm sure the bed-rest thing will get easier. I'm sure Clara will thank you for every effort! Can't wait to hear what goes on tomorrow! :)

Karis said...

You mean you actually have enough brain cells left to even consider mastering another Spanish verb tense at this point of life!?! I'm impressed. Sigh...(as I think of my French study with this Momnesiac brain and I'm not even pregnant with #3)

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

I wish you all were sitting in my living room right now =) Thanks for your comments!