A First for the Baby Book.....
...Olivia's First Broken Bone!
We spent Thanksgiving in Alabama with my family. Shortly after the feast had been spread, Olivia rolled off the couch. It didn't seem like a big deal, but she wasn't moving around like her normal 2 year-old self. When we got home on Saturday night, she didn't want me to touch her at all. I called her doctor and explained everything to him, and he said that she probably has a hairline fracture somewhere. So, Olivia and I headed down to MUSC Children's Emergency Room. We were greeted by nurses that know the characters on every children's program that exists and showered with stickers and children's books. I was even pleasantly suprised that I fit in a child's wheelchair (Olivia would have nothing to do with sitting in that thing by herself). She has a small fracture on her collar bone, and just needs to keep it still.... as still as a 2 year old can possibly get!