
“Campaña Evangelistica”
What a rich weekend for Iglesia Bautista de Northside! The doors were opened for a special Evangelistic Campaign this past Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! By the end of the weekend, 80 different people representing Mexico, Columbia, Honduras, Argentina, and Guatamala came to at least one of the services.

2 of our members, Catalina and Deyanira

Left to Right: Pastor Oscar Galvan (our special speaker), Pastor John Stevens (Senior Pastor at Northside), and Pastor Alex Millan (Pastor of Iglesia Bautist de Northside)
AJ is playing with his friend Danielito

The Children's Program: It was a Hawaiian/Treasure Hunt theme (I know... so original :) The kids made sunshines with their handprints--- very cute!

Olivia always enjoys anything where a snack is involved :)


N. Conaway said...

What a great turnout! I am so proud of the both of you for all your hard work and the hard work of your faithful members.

My little babies look so cute! AJ looks so much older than he is! He is just a handsome little guy. Of course Olivia is just her cute self with the big hair bows!

Take care and remember we love you and pray for you!

Love MOM

Anonymous said...

How awesome friend! (Thanks for the "english" update:) I am so excited to see/hear how God is blessing the Spanish work over yonder!!! PTL!!!!! So, ya need any help?!:) lol The job market over here is surely slowing down - pray I find a job soon. btw, I LOVE the little watermelon dress that Olivia is wearing - so cute!! :)
Love yas all!! Dana-Dana

Erin Neiner said...

How very neat!!! That must have been so encouraging to have such a good turnout!! The decor is so festive!! Great job. I am so going to do that handprint sunshine with Drew! Very cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Leah

I am so glad to see that you are doing well. Your children are beautiful. I miss you very much. Corina, Sabrina, and I are doing well. I hope to talk to you soon. If you have time to email me so that I can get your email address. My email is lettysanchez@cox.net
