
Nice Deal

Looking for nice dress shirts for your husband? Would you rather drop that $25-$? into your Kitchen Aid fund? Ask your local DRY CLEANER if they sell unclaimed men's dress shirts! When a batch of Alex's shirts were lost at the cleaners, we were given the option of picking out replacements from the "unclaimed shirts" rack. At first I rolled my eyes and thought that we would be getting the short end of the stick on this one, but then I was shocked to see the GREAT SHIRTS Alex picked out. They were probably better than the ones that were lost! (Not to mention they were laundered and pressed) We asked if they sold the unclaimed shirts, and get this, they sell them for $3.00 EACH!! I can almost hear the whirring of my Kitchen Aid right now!


Unknown said...

WOW...that's a great deal girl! I can't say that I can use the info, but I'll pass it along to some guys (ok, one guy in particular) that's heading to college:) Love and Miss ya! Dana Dana

mitchells2000 said...

Thanks for the great tip! I'll have to try that... hopefully there are other men out there that are as skinny as my husband with long arms like his! It is awful trying to find shirts that fit him correctly!

carissa said...

awesome tip! I'll call tomorrow am! You look great. I think that AJ looks just like you :) Have a great Wed.

Stephanie (Wolynes) Steinbart said...

Hey, thanks for the tip! I am not sure if we would find any great shirts down here...mostly plaid flannel farm garb...oh well!

Karis said...

Great tip! Thanks for passing it along. I will definitely call around and check this out. There are so many dry cleaners around here.

Beth said...

Hey-- great idea! Thanks. Sorry about the lost shirts, but then how would we have learned this money saving tip?

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