
Oh Be Careful Little Heart...

-------------------------(Olivia and Daddy heading to church)

One of the first songs that I sing to my babies is "Oh Be Careful Little Eyes..." I'll take their little hands and do the motions for them. The sweet coos and smiles make me want to drag the song out as far as it can go, so I'll add my own verses. "Oh be careful little mouth what you eat and Oh be careful little nose what you smell" are among my personal additions to the original song.
Yesterday, I extemporaneously added another verse: "Oh be careful little heart what you love....." Those words replayed again and again in my mind the rest of the day. What does my heart love at this very moment? Are my affections set on things above? Little ones are taking note of what mamma gets excited about.


Stephanie (Wolynes) Steinbart said...

I can truly say that other than your addiction for sprinkle donuts - you are a wonderful example of a Christ-centered love in your home!
Luv U Girl

S said...

It's amazing how the simple truths speak to us as we're teaching our children. I still feel convicted about some of the 'fundamentals'. I guess we never stop growing!

Erin Neiner said...

Such a wonderful thing to meditate upon today! Thank you for the continued "life lessons." I don't know if it's just my computer, but I can't see the last 2 pictures for some reason...don't know if it's just me??

(Drew just sang, "Oh be careful little DVD what you click" he likes to use the mouse---he's such a techy already!)

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

God certainly uses our children to remind us of His love-- they are an inheritance! Isn't it interesting how Enoch was known to have walked with God-- and he started walking with God when Methusalah was born. Hmmmm point to ponder!

Unknown said...

Oh how you are SUCH a wonderful Godly example my friend! And an EXCELLENT thought for the day!! Thank you so much for sharing!

Erin...you are correct, I can't see the pictures either; and boy wouldn't I LOVE to see Lamby getting a swhirly:) LOL

Love ya friend!

Jenny said...

Leah, I'd forgotten all about that song. (Blame it on the mommy brain) Today, we sing it! Thanks for the excellent, edifying thoughts.

Heather said...

Thank you Leah for being such an example of Christ centered! I wrote that verse on a stiky note and put it on my computer...I have been struggling with a certian something in my life...and that one little extra verse brought it all into prospective!!!

Thanks again!!!

Erin Neiner said...

That is one of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen!!! A keeper for sure...could see that blown up on Olivia's wall. What a picture of God's love as a Father to us, helping us along the way!

Karis said...

I had forgotten about that song too! I know Kayla will love it; I've got to start singing it with her! Thanks for the challenging truth from this simple song. It's definitely not just something kids need to sing/think about.


mitchells2000 said...

Love the pic... you have some very precious pictures.
Also, thanks for the reminder from "Oh be careful..." This is in my thoughts a lot since my dear friend DD challenged me to pray for my hubby every day, head to toe. It makes a big difference!
Thanks for the Godly example, Leah, you are an encouragement to me.

Tfipps said...

Okay, gotta second what everyone else has said...that picture is a perfect "blow-up-to-poster-size-and-frame" picture!! Looooovvve it!!!

Beth said...

ya, it's perfect- blow it up, frame it, sell it! You could make a fortune! :)