
Fiery Enchiladas

I have learned over the past few years to make some pretty yummy Mexican dishes, and I am particularly proud of my enchiladas. Since Taco Bell seasoning and canned enchilada sauce are no-nos in the Millan kitchen, I actually make my enchilada sauce from scratch by boiling the dried chile pods, blending them, adding seasonings, thickening it with a rue, and so on.
Apparently, I was due for a bit of humbling tonight. We invited some friends over for dinner, and I decided to really show the love by making the best Mexican spread I could set before them. I needed to double the recipe so that we would have enough for everyone. Then I thought "Alex loves these, so maybe I should make some extra for us to have leftovers". Stupid me just tripled everything, including the chile pods. Hindsight is 20/20, and I now see that that was not the smartest thing to do. When the enchiladas came out of the oven, I thought that they looked a little darker than usual. Plates were served, and everyone started eating as I finished getting Olivia situated. Then I sat down and had a bite. They were soooo spicey! No, they were downright HOT! I felt horrible. Our guests were sitting there politely eating the fiery dish. When Alex came out and said "honey, these are pretty hot", I knew that they were off the charts. I think I'll just do cheesy chicken next time.


Anonymous said...

Oh my dear...you CRACK me up!!! Thank you for sharing:) I appreciate learning from my friends "learning’s"...they help me out tremendously!!

SO, that's how easy it is to make the "non-authentic" way is a TB seasoning pack and a can of sauce? I wondered how to use that can you gave me last year...send me the rest of the "how to's" and maybe I can attempt this one:) I do love Mexican, although since surgery it doesn't love me, I just plan my night to have it at home:) I miss and love ya girl! Hope to chat soon...on the phone maybe:)

S said...

What I want to know is how AJ does with these spicy dishses? Do you have to be careful what you eat? Esther was so sensitive to what I ate...we had to forget Mexican for a couple months. :( Keep giving us these homemade Mexican food recipes. I never can get mine quite like the restaurants!

Monica said...

Ha ha ha...YIKES! That is so funny...maybe not for you yet :) I love how honest your posts are. It is nice to know we are all so very human....but really, making your own sauce. Unbelievable. I am in awe

mitchells2000 said...

Wow - I'm glad I wasn't your dinner guest! I would have been CRYING!! (I'm not good with spicy food!) I do love your transparency, though... thanks for sharing!

Erin Neiner said...

Yeah, I'm pretty much a whimp when it comes to spicy food! Guess it must be my Irish "corned beef & potatoes" taste buds! Great story, though!!! And you would have heard Jack all the way in SC if I ate that!!! :) You sound like such a great little cook!!!

Jenny said...

I'm with you, Leah. Taco Bell? yeah, right. Once a friend showed me how much tastier and economical it is to season tacos & fajitas without a mix, I nixed them. I've never been brave enough to try the enchilada sauce, though. Way to go!! (we're all entitled to a cooking mishap every, oh, once a week, right!?!?)

Shelli D. Hawkins said...

Funny story Leah! You will have to share you recipe with me!!

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Shannon-- I don't nurse AJ anymore, but when I did-- I tried to be careful about the spicey stuff :) Now I can go to town with the spice!!! Heather-- you would have at least liked the dessert :) So the evening wasn't a total loss. Shelly-- next time I make enchiladas, I'll try to note all the proportions. How about that cheesecake recipe of yours??????

Ben and Carissa said...

YUM! I really have a hankerin' for some HOT enchiladas now! Leah, you have to post some of your mex dishes. I would love to kick the enchiada sauce from the can habit!!

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

I will certainly post some of my mex recipes-- I just need to make them and keep track of how much of what I put in them. I learned by watching different ladies -- which was pretty much a shake of this, a handful of that, taste it, a little more of this or that method.

Karis said...

I got a huge smile on my face when I read this post. The funny thing is that when a mishap happens to me, my first thought tends to now be "at least it will be a good blog topic." I'm glad you have a sense of humor about the whole event and that you shared it with us. The thing is -- I'm so impressed at what you were attempting that the fact that it didn't turn out when you tripled the batch was no big deal.


Anonymous said...

I just had to tell you that I ordered that cook book (Americas Test Kitchen) to try. Also Jason Janz's book that he published just before Christmas. I've heard excellent things about it. ttyl, Love ya girl! Dana

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Karis-- it's nice to have a network of friends who can help you up when you fall or at least laugh with you about it!

Liesl said...

what is funny to me about spanish dishes is that the authentic ones aren't as spicy as chi-chi's would make us believe. i remember eating some of the blandest stuff down in peru and chile.
you can't hold a candle to my company-over cooking blunders. i am the biggest airhead ever.

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Oh Liesl! I feel like I always mess up when company comes over! What's with that?

Erin Neiner said...

I do not claim to be a great cook at all, and Leah, I truly am so impressed with your recipes...but for some reason I always have "beginner's luck" with company. I can pull out all new recipes and pull it together somehow...at least the food part. There is, however, always a terribly messy kitchen that awaits me! I have gone back to try these "wonderful" recipes again, and, um, DISASTER!!!??? I don't know what it is!! And last night I made an angel food cake that looked like a high school science project...my pan was too small and it just kept cooking out over the top! But it still tasted good! Oh~~~that kitchen!!!!!!!!