
Baby News

Today was my first doctor's appointment. If I didn't know better, it looks like we are having a gummy bear! At least that's what the ultra-sound pictures look like. Does anyone else get really excited about that first appointment (in spite of the you-know-what)? I felt giddy all day! I curled my hair, carefully picked out an outfit, and happily bopped down the road to my Spanish Rondalla CD.

The office recently purchased a new ultra sound machine, so they were happy to see me this morning. My OB asked if it would be o.k. for some of the other doctors and the Technician to sit in on the ultrasound so they could learn a little more about the machine. Sure. . . The more the merrier! That happened with AJ too! They were calling the residents and nurses in to see something about his birth. At that point. Who cares! It was interesting to hear all the professional commentary regarding my innards.

I also learned that they are now discouraging pregnant moms from eating cold-cuts and egg, chicken, and tuna salads you didn't prepare yourself. New bacteria issues I guess.

Right now, we are planning on another VBAC, but both my OB and I agree that the goal is a healthy and safe delivery. We still have to take all the necessary precautions in spite of a successful VBAC with AJ. Those being: No induction, scheduled C-section in case I don't go into labor by a certain time, and immediate hospital monitoring when I do go into labor (no home labor). Fair enough.

We thank the Lord for allowing us to once again experience these joys!


Monica said...

Yeahh, congratulations! I didn't know you were expecting. Yes, I loved each and every appointment. I so miss being able to be pregnant. When is your due date?

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

I'm due Jan 1st =), but I'm usually early-- so I probably won't be getting any prizes for the first baby of the year... the tax deduction seems to be more of a sure thing =) Thanks Monica!

Erin Neiner said...

Hey--it was nice to chat with you...even if it were a few moments! I'm so glad everything is looking good for your little gummy bear. You sounded so fantastic on the phone. I know...it can be deceiving, but nonetheless, you sounded great!!!! :)

Karis said...

Oh, you crack me up! Thanks for a great description of your day from getting all dolled up to seeing your little gummy bear. I too LOVED the first ultrasound despite the you-know-what. :-)

Monica said...

Hey I was a super tax deduction too... Born Dec 31st at 6:45pm got credit for the whole year :P

Can't wait for all the pregnant updates!

Sara said...

Yay, glad to hear all is well. I was actually very nervous for my first appt, but glad you enjoyed it!! Gummy bear-funny!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Millans! What a wonderful piece of news to read as I was catching up on your family. I just love reading/watching your precious family grow. Sounds as though the Lord continues to do a wonderful work in and through you there in SC.

Candi said...

That's great news, Leah! Only you would have to choose between Stanley Steamer and a pregnancy test. I love reading about your adventures and to see your continued love of the Lord. You are fabulous! Hugs! Candi