
Happy Birthday to Me!
What a great day! Alex got AJ up this morning so I could sleep in a little bit, and the two of them set out to make me breakfast in bed. Olivia slept in with mamma. The rest of the morning was pretty normal... kids still have to go poo-poo and eat even if it is your birthday. That afternoon, we went to the Olive Garden for lunch.. YUM! I headed off to the grocery store with the kids, and Alex went home to wait for the CARPET CLEANERS!! Even though it wasn't an official birthday present, getting our nasty apple juice/banana/who-knows-what-else stained carpet cleaned was very exciting to me. My carpet looks like new, and I was happy to hear that ours was NOT the worst looking carpet they had ever seen (yes, I did ask).
We had a little party after church tonight. Maria (the lovely lady giving me bunny ears) had us over to her house last night for a birthday dinner... that was so sweet of her! You better believe I perked up when I saw this perched under the tree!
Thanks Sara! I love the red Coach umbrella! So cute!
You'll never guess who was first in line for cake... I took this picture during prayer. She even has the server in her hand!

My dear sweet friends!
"Hey Sara! This cake shur is good"


Erin Neiner said...

yay...happy day for you! sleeping in, clean carpets, meals made for you and a coach gift!!! guess it doesn't get much better than that!!

I LOVE the pic of Olivia standing guard the cake!! Too cute!! Way to capture the moment! :)

So...when did you get bangs???? You look SO great with them!! (although, you looked great without them also!) I have thought SO many times about doing it...but haven't got the courage up yet! I haven't had bangs since 5th grade!

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Thanks Erin! I got bangs one morning when my new cool little mom swoop-de-do grew out just enough to aggravate me to the core. The scissors were right there, and I seized the moment :) Yesterday was a very bad hair day for me... we were without electricity for a few hours that morning, so it had the air-dry look. I'm probably going to grow them out again, but not completely. If I start to curl them-- please intervene! :)lol

Stephanie (Wolynes) Steinbart said...

While erin intervenes with the flat iron, I will stand by with some hair spray! I am so glad you had a great day! I thought about you several times throughout the morning as I was at school, thinking how far our little lives have come since our college-day bdays! As much as I miss you guys, nothing is sweeter than a sacrificing husband and sticky little children on your bday morning!!

Erin Neiner said...

HERE!HERE! Steph!! :)

Leah...wow, I stand impressed that you did that yourself. It looks great!

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Thanks guys! I knew I could count on you :) ... now can someone please remove the fudge from my kitchen??

Rebecca M. said...

Happy Birthday Leah! It looks like you all had a great time :) How is Olivia's collar bone? I can't imagine...I get so nervous every time Micah stands and walks on his mattress (only 5 inches off the ground) Take care and keep posting! :)