
Don't Flatter Me

As I was sorting through the pile of mail on our dining room table, I came across an interesting piece addressed to Leah Millan. On the front of the silver wrapping of this particular mailer was the following message: "Congratulations! YOU QUALIFY [emphasis mine] for an instantly slimming [rear]-lifting tummy flattening FREE sample of Shaper Shortz!" Now, I don't know if the temp was in charge of this particular promo, but telling me that I QUALIFY for some sort of shape enhancing garment is not the most flattering way of winning my business. On what merit did I QUALIFY for this particular promotion? Hmmmm... add the fact that I am almost 34 weeks pregnant and that's just cruel :)


Tfipps said...

Okay, I am almost fully laid out on the floor laughing at that one!!! Funny!

Matt and Karen said...

:-) Too funny! When exactly is your due date?

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

October 27th is the projected due date. It seems so far away, but I still have time to chicken out of the VBAC and just go for another c-section-- then I can go a little earlier :) .

Monica said...

That is so funny!!! How rude, hey? So you haven't posted any updated pictures of your cute pregnant belly!

Liesl said...

Hilarious! You are way too funny.