
Confession is Good for the Soul

I had my regular OB appointment today. Everything was checking out great. Then my doctor asked me if I had any questions. I was just curious as to when my weekly appointments were going to begin because last time I was 3 cm for my first weekly. She looked at the chart and told me that my weeklies would start in 2 weeks.

I sat there for a minute because I knew that I should probably let her know that I was planning on going to Alabama for Thanksgiving. So I told her. She was about to walk out of the room, but stopped and asked if I wanted her to check if I had dialated at all. I'm usually an ignorance is bliss kind of a person, but in this case I thought that maybe she was on to something. She went to med school, I watch A Baby Story.

Sure enough, Clara's head is down and I am 3 cm. This means BED REST for a 34 weeker. Now I can think of moments several weeks ago that I would have shouted hallelujah for mandatory off-your-feet time, but I am in nesting mode! I still have curtains to hang and things to spray paint! I have to post pictures of Olivia's FINISHED room! I am on a roll!

All that aside, a healthy baby is obviously more important. Boy am I glad I T-Voed Monk.


Erin Neiner said...

Oh Leah! My friend. What a trump card on your plans... Of course it's ok. Like you said, the baby is most important! Guess you're off the hook for the bake sale! :) Ho-Ho's anyone??

Ben and Carissa said...

3 cm!!! Oh my! Sit yourself down. Just think, you are now STUCK with those cute pj's for Christmas!! That is if the responsible mommy did not already find them and take them back!

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Carissa, that is so funny b/c I thought the same thing today =) The jammies are here to stay!

Karis said...

So last time when you were 3 cm at your first weekly visit, how long before you delivered? Not that it means it will happen in the same timing this time but I'm just curious. Wow -- what a plan changer but all part of Leah's "it's a wonderful life." The nesting urges are so strong so it's a good thing so is a mommy's instinct to do what's best for baby. Wow! This would've shocked me so much at 34 weeks.

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Karis- I think that I delivered about a week and a half or two weeks later. I am very thankful that this has come up when I am only weeks away from an ideal delivery date. Too bad I'm going to miss my annual "Black Friday" shopping =) Oh well.

Unknown said...

Leah, we are much in prayer for you and little Clara. Monk helped me through my "stuck on the couch" time too. Mrs. B.

Unknown said...

You poor thing- bedrest sounds wonderful but when you actually have to do it- it is quite annoying. I was on it for 2 weeks before the twins were born.. praying for you!