
The Firemen Visit Olivia's Class!

The N. Chas. Fire Dept. visited Olivia's class today. Have you ever been in a room full of 3-4 year olds when the Firemen come to visit? So much fun!
You have your handful of children that are scared and clinging to their teachers. The fire dept. has learned over the years the value of Mr. Fireman NOT entering the room in full fire-fighting gear... unless of course you want a room full of screaming 3 year olds. Instead, they put on the jacket, oxygen tank ("fresh air" backpack), mask, etc. while the kids watched.
Then you always have the child who blurts out: "There was a fire in my house". Then another 10 children chime in "yeah, in my house too... uh huh!"
When Firefighter Bianca asked what they should do if they see matches on the floor, you hear a little voice from the audience pipe up: "DROP AND ROLL". This became the answer-all for every question, except for one...
When FB asked if anyone knew what a smoke detector was, one little boy raised his hand and said enthusiastically... "The firemen BRING their BIG hoses and SPRAY all the FIRE..." This reminded me of some of the political debates I've heard recently. "Senator, how are you going to help seniors in the midst of this economic meltdown". Answer: "We need energy independence..."
3 1/2 is that wonderful age where your kids could care less about you showing up to their special day and taking a gazillion pictures of them. Olivia was so happy to see daddy, mommy, and AJ there!
AJ sat with the big kids for a little bit, but had to leave with daddy when he got too squirmy.
Firefighter Bianca and her puppet (can't remember his name)

Check out those big tires! We took AJ outside to look at the truck and get a few pictures while the big kids were inside meeting the Firemen.

Notice I have NO pictures of Olivia with the firetruck. Well, I ran back to the office to get my purse, and when I returned, the children were taking turns climbing in the fire truck. I looked around for Olivia so I could take her picture, and there she was in her teacher's arms crying her eyes out. What in the world happened? She was fine 10 minutes ago. She wasn't the least bit scared during the assembly. She wasn't asking for me or wondering where I went. I walked her to the car and she said "Hurry mommy, we have to get home before the fire comes! It's going to get in our house!" I don't remember what I told her to calm her down... it sure would be nice to wrap up this post with some really wise motherly counsel I gave at just the right teachable moment, but I probably said something like "don't be scared, a fire isn't going to get in our house... let's go home and eat some lunch". Yep, way to seize the moment mom!!